Our platform enables organisations to rapidly respond to evolving clinical practice and ensures appropriate governance oversight, with instant distribution to staff at the patient bedside.
Clinibee now supports more than 35,000 clinicians across more than 200 organisations and 6 countries to create, manage and distribute their clinical guidance.
Clinibee is built on three main pillars:
Clinical Collaboration - We facilitate clinician to clinician collaboration on clinical guidance. Staff collaborate on edits in real-time, across locations. Role-based management enables delegation and changes can be reviewed and commented on instantly. A quick video demonstrating these features is available here.
Governance Oversight - Documents flow through a structured process, including those previously outside of the governance loop. This flow works at department, hospital and network level, with full audit capability automatically built in. A quick video demonstrating these features is available here.
Accessibility - Published guidance is instantly available to front line staff, from mobile, tablet, hospital and bedside computers. Documents can also be downloaded for offline use. A quick video demonstrating the search capacities of Clinibee is available here.
Once approved and published, changes are propagated instantly across the platform. This ensures that everyone is always accessing the most up-to-date information.
Automatic Tracking - Real-time updates on document statuses and responsibilities. A quick video demo is available here.
Alerts for Updates - Notifications for necessary updates and responsible parties. A quick video demo is available here.
Real-Time Dashboard - A one-stop shop where you can monitor all editing activities and document usage across your library. A quick video demo is available here.
Insightful Analytics - Understand what your staff are reading and searching for and fine-tune your clinical library. A quick video demo is available here.
API Set Up - Integrate Clinibee seamlessly with external systems like EPRs.
Send Us Your Guidance Provide your current documentation (Word or PDF).
Load & Check - We upload and verify your content. Your team gives final checks.
Go Live - Staff download the app (available on iOS and Android), follow the library, and start using your guidance.
More details on our onboarding process are available here.
More information on our technical foundations is available here.
Save Time - Clinicians have saved our 35,000 hours of valuable clinical time by using Clinibee tools instead of traditional methods.
Enhance Patient Safety - Consolidating your guidance into one source of truth eliminates risky duplication of clinical content and helps keep patients safe.
Improve Communication - Ditch the endless emails and collaborate with your colleagues on guidance within our platform.
Increase Accessibility - Our strong mobile app foundations mean that guidance is easy to search for and use on iOS and Android devices.
You can click on the Book a Demo link above to schedule a call or, if you have more questions, get in touch with us at team@clinibee.com and a member of our team will help.